Look for the logo and do business with an Association member!

Association members thrive, approximately 85 percent of all business failures occur in firms that are not members of their trade association.Association members promote industry specific issues that protect and promote their industry and individual businesses.
Association members are informed. Members are updated regularly on regulatory changes, making it easier for their businesses to act proactively adapting quickly to upturns and downturns in their businesses.
Association membership is all about networking and camaraderie, learning the next big thing and what best practices work.
Association members make an investment of time and effort in association activities becoming involved which improves their relationships with their customer base.
Association members work together to protect all customers from abuse.
Association members are held to a higher standard by their peers in an effort to protect the industry image.
(Membership based on KTA members as of March 5, 2016. Subject to change.)
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